Low carb yoghurt slices with blueberries
Without refined sugar and without soil, but with refreshing yoghurt and fruity blueberries – that's how a real summer dessert goes, including low carb.
Without refined sugar and without soil, but with refreshing yoghurt and fruity blueberries – that's how a real summer dessert goes, including low carb.
Healthy snacking is something everybody struggles with, but snacking doesn't need to derail your healthy eating! These snacks are all 100 calories, and check out our blog about the best snacks to eat at night to encourage weight loss! Source by ibff5197 ALSO READ 21 Day Healthy Diet Challenge …
Diet Snickers??? Hello my good ones? ⠀ ?Here, do not believe it!!!? ⠀ There are only 111 kcal in this unrealistically tasty and beautiful cake!!! ? ⠀ Can you imagine this??? ⠀ Suitable for the Dukan diet from the alternation stage. ⠀ Do you want to learn how to cook such a diet charm??? ⠀…
Ну и мои любимые баклажанчики? фаршированные творогом??#ksu_баклажаны Рецепт и описание в карусели?? #дд#диета#дюкан#пп#спорт#спортпит#рецептыдд#ksudietadukana#diary#diet#dukandiet#dukan#марафоны#марафоныпохудения#ksu_нгстол#вкусноипросто Source ALSO READ 21 Day Healthy Diet Challenge …
Another easy 10 minute lunch! ??Baked wild salmon seasoned with olive oil, lemon and ground black pepper with a fried egg cooked in avocado oil, sautéed garlic mushrooms, spinach and half an avocado. I cooked the egg, spinach and mushrooms one after another in a non stick pan (no need to dirty up more dishes)…
Mini Meatloaf Pepper Rings. Replace with extra lean ground beef or even extra lean minced turkey. :] Healthy healthy!!! Source by doyleorbit ALSO READ 21 Day Healthy Diet Challenge …
Dr. Gundry's curated online grocery #gundry #curated #food store #online Source by landderweissenwolke ALSO READ 21 Day Healthy Diet Challenge …