A few tips on IBS
For those of you who were after a bit of info on IB…

A few tips on IBS ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For those of you who were after a bit of info on IB…

A few tips on IBS
For those of you who were after a bit of info on IB…

A few tips on IBS ?
For those of you who were after a bit of info on IBS .. keep reading ?
• IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a Gastrointestinal condition that causes abdo pain, bloating, excessive wind, constipation and diarrhoea. Getting the correct diagnosis is important because other conditions can also cause these symptoms – so see your Dr and Dietitian before starting to make any diet changes.
• The exact cause of IBS is not known but many factors are likely to contribute including heightened gut sensitivity, gut microbiota balance, diet, stress and exercise.
• Probiotics may be useful for some people but guidance is needed as to which is the best choice for you and for IBS. Getting your gut microbiota balance checked is a newish strategy which your managing Dr or Dietitian might consider before starting you on a probiotic.
• FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. The Low-FODMAP diet is a well recognised management plan for IBS. However it is not simply about excluding all foods that contain FODMAPs forever.
• Initially, you will exclude FODMAP containing foods and then, under the guidance of a Dietitian, you will reintroduce certain foods in specified amounts in a way that helps determine which FODMAPs you are sensitive to and your level of sensitivity. For example, you may be sensitive to foods containing Polyols but not to foods containing disaccharides. It is complex so a tailored program and support is a must!
➡️ Please ask any questions you have ????

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