Are you an adult or a toddler? Comment below! . Just when I think that maybe, m

Are you an adult or a toddler? Comment below!
Just when I think that maybe, m

Are you an adult or a toddler? Comment below!
Just when I think that maybe, maaaaaybe we are making progress with the whole not recommending 1200 calorie toddler diets anymore thing I see a few pop up on my explore page ? So the answer to my question of “Do I need to keep saying this?” is 180% yes.
Firstly, I don’t advise counting calories at all. ?‍♀️Why? It’s likely going to lead you to either over or under eat which is likely to push you into the restrict binge cycle. Our needs change on the daily and even the “best” equation can’t tell you exactly what you need (we do different things daily, you might be fighting off an illness you can’t yet feel, muscle recovery, etc)
Secondly, 1200 calories is too low! It’s the caloric needs of a toddler not an adult! And while you might think “Well it worked for a while!” yes, you may have experienced some initial loss, long term you’re likely going to gain. And did it really “work” if you’re on IG looking for another diet??
Now contrary to what many food freedom accounts out there might say, like “calories don’t matter”, I believe they DO matter! ? Calories are important! They are energy! ?We need them for fuel and you actually can consume more than your body needs ?‍♀️ But here is the thing: consuming more than your body needs isn’t “bad”. Weight gain is not “bad”.
So how do you go about regulating your energy needs to what makes your body feel best WITHOUT calorie counting? It’s about tuning into your body. Yes, “listening to your body” but not in the way you probably think. Your brain is a part of your body. Pay attention to what feels good, what doesn’t, etc. No mental math required!
Ready to learn how to stop the mental math? Ready to finally learn true intuitive eating? The kind that feels good both mentally and physically? I’ve put together a special New Year Kickstart Bundle EvErYtHiNg you need to do just that (step-by-step guidance, a supportive community and SO much more) and it’s….. 74% off for a limited time.
Head to the link in my bio to snag this bundle because it’s not lasting long and the prices are going up (for good!) soon!

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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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