Comparing Quinoa Flakes to Oats: Which is Better?

Comparing Quinoa Flakes to Oats: Which is Better?

Hope this answers your question @healthyfitlaura
☑️ Rich in minerals including Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Phosphate and Magnesium
☑️ Good amounts of Vitamin E and B group Vitamins
☑️ Rich in Fibre
☑️ Contains anti-oxidants
☑️ Gluten free for those who need it
〰️ Quinoa flakes are steam rolled to make them quick cooking so while standard quinoa has a low glycemic index this process likely increases the GI making them not as satisfying
☑️ Rich in minerals including Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, Selenium, Phosphate and Potassium
☑️ Good amounts of Vitamin E and B group Vitamins
☑️ Rich in Fibre including Beta-glucans which have cholesterol lowering properties
☑️ Contains anti-oxidants and photochemicals
〰️ Glycemic Index of Oats depends on the type you choose. Steel cut oats are favourable with a low GI, rolled oats have a medium GI and Quick oats are steam rolled (similar to quinoa flakes) so have a high GI
Overall both are VERY nutritious foods. The draw back with quinoa flakes and quick oats is that the GI is likely high (but quinoa flakes have not been routinely tested) so may not fill you up for long.

Ah, dear readers, have you ever stopped to think about the wonders of modern technology? Take, for instance, the humble smartphone. In its sleek and shiny exterior lies a powerful tool that can do everything from keeping us connected to helping us find the best coffee shop in town.

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But the real magic of smartphones lies in their ability to capture memories at a moment’s notice. I swear, I’ve seen people whip out their phones faster than a cowboy drawing his six-shooter, all in the name of capturing the perfect Instagram-worthy moment. And don’t even get me started on the power of filters – who knew that a simple swipe could turn us into glowing angels or cartoon characters?

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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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