Consuming Food to Improve Sleep

Consuming Food to Improve Sleep

Here’s a few foods that will help with those zzz’s
✔️Keep your evening meal light and at least 2-3 hours before bed to allow enough time for digestion. A big meal may also cause or worsen reflux if you eat too much or go to bed too soon after eating
✔️If you have IBS be extra careful with trigger foods (these should be identified with the help of a Dietitian)
✔️Avoid drinking too much fluid in the lead up to going to bed
✔️Keeping caffeine to before lunch may be useful if you struggle to get to sleep. As well as delaying sleep start time, Caffeine also shortens sleep time. And don’t forget- tea contains caffeine
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For 8 great tips on improving your sleep head to my story- there’s a link to a great article written by @_drcris on @mintfit_ ??
Keeping it light with this Sashimi from the other night ❤️

The Importance of Knowing the Caloric Value of Ingredients in Your Recipes

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, understanding the caloric value of the ingredients you use in your recipes can play a crucial role. By knowing the calorie content of each ingredient, you can make more informed decisions about what you are putting into your body and better manage your overall calorie intake.

Why Knowing the Caloric Value is Important

When you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, monitoring your calorie intake is essential. By being aware of the calories in the ingredients you use, you can better control your portion sizes and make substitutions to lower the overall calorie content of your meals. For example, if you are making a salad and you know that avocado is high in calories, you may choose to use less avocado or replace it with a lower-calorie alternative like cucumber.

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Additionally, knowing the caloric value of ingredients can help you make healthier choices when it comes to cooking and baking. For instance, if you are making a dessert and you discover that using applesauce instead of butter can significantly reduce the calorie content, you may opt for the healthier option.

Understanding the Calorie Content of Common Ingredients

It is important to familiarize yourself with the caloric value of common ingredients to make more informed decisions in the kitchen. Here are a few examples of the calorie content of some popular ingredients:

– Avocado: One medium avocado contains approximately 322 calories.
– Chicken breast: A 3-ounce serving of skinless, boneless chicken breast has around 165 calories.
– White rice: One cup of cooked white rice has about 206 calories.
– Olive oil: One tablespoon of olive oil contains around 119 calories.

Knowing the calorie content of these ingredients can help you make smarter choices when planning and preparing your meals. For instance, by substituting cauliflower rice for white rice, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of your dish while still enjoying a similar texture and taste.

In conclusion, being mindful of the caloric value of ingredients in your recipes is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By understanding the calorie content of common ingredients and making informed choices, you can better manage your calorie intake and make healthier decisions in the kitchen. So next time you’re cooking or baking, take a moment to consider the caloric value of the ingredients you are using – your body will thank you for it.


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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