Full day of eating!
Friendly reminder that guilt is  not  an ingredient.

Full day of eating! . Friendly reminder that guilt is not an ingredient. . G…

?Full day of eating!?
Friendly reminder that guilt is ❌ not ❌ an ingredient.
Guilt is something we ADD to our food and we have the power NOT to.
You can learn to eat fluffy waffles with maple syrup and whipped cream without an ounce of guilt and in a way that feels good to your body. No restricting. ?‍♀️No binge eating.
You can learn to go out for ice cream ?on a whim and not have to basically play tetris with your calories/points/macros for the day and try to get it to “fit” into your “allowance”. Food isn’t a currency ?, FYI.
The first step towards removing the guilt associated with those more “soul nourishing” ❤️VS “body nourishing” foods as I call them is to understand how you got sucked into the diet culture world in the first place. Because that’s where those thoughts and labels came from. Not you. Not from the truth. From diet culture lies. ✅That’s the facts, folks!
In order to overcome our “OMG! I feel soooo guilty!” thoughts and to embrace foods with joy and neutrality we need to work to heal from the diet culture B.S. And in order to move forward with food freedom we need to look back at our past in order to heal from it. To help you can snag a copy of the free ?new? e-book linked in my bio: Decoding Your Diet Culture Past! ❤️ Happy diet decoding!


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