​​Hands up  if you’ve also been running off of Christmas treats all weekend!!

​​Hands up if you’ve also been running off of Christmas treats all weekend!! .

​​Hands up  if you’ve also been running off of Christmas treats all weekend!!

​​Hands up ?? if you’ve also been running off of Christmas treats all weekend!! ?????
If you’re wondering how to get “back on track” with your eating habits here is my answer: eat normally. ?‍♀️You don’t need to do some crazy juice cleanse to detoxify you from all of the holiday goodies you’ve had. A.) They’re not poison ?‍♀️and B.) we have these things called a liver, kidneys and other organs that do a pretty darn good job at that. ??If you’re looking to eat clean, wash your veggies ??to get the dirt off. Beyond that, eat normally and you’ll be good to do! ??Restricting or limiting foods will only set you up for entering the vicious restrict-binge cycle. No bueno. ?
Side note: I hate the term “back on track”. ?‍♀️Enjoy holiday food should NOT be seen as a setback. It should be seen as a fabulous part of this life we’re living! ?A balanced diet includes periods of overeating/ “overindulging”. If we listen to our bodies we won’t need to micromanage our intake. They’re pretty good and giving us signals to keep us feeling fab in the long run. That’s no food rules at it’s finest, folks!?
If you’re tempted to start a detox repeat after me “No.” ❌Then, head to the link in my bio and sign up for m y free 5 day diet detox challenge! You can learn to listen to your body and eat intuitively in order to fuel your body in a way that feels good and fosters both mental & physical health! We are doing it every day inside of the SociEATy and now you can, too!
The private FB group for the challenge opens Wednesday- ?don’t wait to sign up! (if you don’t have an FB you can still participate!)


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