Here is everything I ate!!!
I love doing full days of eating on here and on …

Here is everything I ate!!! . I love doing full days of eating on here and on …

Here is everything I ate!!! ?
I love doing full days of eating on here and on YouTube but not focusing on WHAT I’m eating but more of WHY I’m eating it.❤️ I like to help you understand my thought process as an intuitive eater without food rules. So here is what we had on this day⬇️
1️⃣ Typical granola before my workout for some readily available energy + granola/protein shake after to help my muscles replenish their energy and recover nice and strong.
2️⃣ Bigger meal when I got hungry mid-morning. Smoothie cereal! My fave! So satisfying and really keeps me full & satisfied! I change up the fruits weekly for a bit of gentle nutrition (diff colors = diff nutrients!)
3️⃣ After a while I had more strawberries because they sounded refreshing. This made me think… I’m craving refreshing? Oh! I haven’t had much water today! So I had water too.
4️⃣Lunch time was an egg salad sandwich + leftover broccoli. I made a big batch of egg salad earlier in the week and had this on repeat. Not because I was “craving” it but it’s freakin’ practical! Yes, that’s part of intuitive eating. (salad recipe on my blog linked in bio!)
5️⃣ I snacked 2x in the afternoon. 1x on a Costco protein bar because I needed something FAST between calls & enjoy them. Then later on I had a sweet tooth so I had some Safe + Fair birthday cake popcorn. No shame in my double birthday cake game!
6️⃣ Dinner was a faaaave around here: chicken shawarma plates! (recipe on my blog) Typical carb + protein + veggie dinner. It’s what satisfies me and allows my body to feel it’s best. My eyes were bigger than my stomach so I honored that and packed up what was left on my plate.
? Didn’t have desire for dessert tonight so didn’t have any.
All of this? ? Took up very little space in my brain. I had to really think back ? That’s what happens when you’re an intuitive eater! It’s EASY.
I’ve got another full day of eating tomorrow in my stories (every wednesday!) so be sure to keep an eye out!
PS. I teach alllll of this inside of The SociEATy intuitive eating community if you’re like “But HOW?!” You can get here too ❤️ link in bio to join!

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