Hi  I’m Paula.Lately I have been getting feedback from some very supportive pe…

Hi I’m Paula.Lately I have been getting feedback from some very supportive pe…

Hi ? I’m Paula.

Lately I have been getting feedback from some very supportive people that I need to up my game and show a bit more of myself on here ?. So here’s a bit about me.

I have been an Accredited Dietitian for the past 14 years and am based in Melbourne, Australia.

@coreymnorris and I have twin toddlers. I love running, hiking, travelling to new places, small towns (over big cities), cheese, dark chocolate and red wine.

In my early 20’s I had a warped relationship with food. I spent far too much time thinking about food, trying to ‘burn off’ things I had eaten at the gym and cut foods and at times, whole food groups.

Then I studied Nutrition & Dietetics. I realised the above approach was not only not right but deep down I knew it was not enjoyable.

Now, I am a volume eater. Volume eating allows me to manage my high hunger levels and get all of the nutrients I need without having to think too much about food whilst also not going overboard on calories or counting them! Now I enjoy food, without counting or worrying about excluding any foods.

I started this page about 5 years ago after getting frustrated at constantly seeing misleading and sometimes dangerous nutrition information on social media.

Through this platform, my aim is to give honest, evidence based and practical nutrition advice that you can trust.

I love answering questions from you all, so keep them coming on my posts or via DM and I will do my best to help (can’t do individualised advice via here though).

Thank you Vicky @vppics for the new pics. You are extremely talented and somehow made me feel relaxed despite being completely out of my comfort zone. ?

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