I said it.
I’ve had this conversation multiple times in the last week and wan…

I said it. . I’ve had this conversation multiple times in the last week and wan…

I said it.
I’ve had this conversation multiple times in the last week and wanted to make sure we made this vErY cLeAr. ?
You’re not healthy at every size.
You’re healthy at YOUR size.
For example, let’s use… Tina? Sure, Tina. Tina has a weight where her body wants to be at (we all do) This is determined by a mix of genetics, lifestyle factors, and environment to name a few. Kinda like we all have different shoe sizes we all can have different “set point weights” (what this weight is called).
While Tina’s set weight could really be anything (we can’t put this into a calculation and find the weight!) even a weight considered a larger body, that doesn’t mean Tina is healthy at every single weight. She might not be her healthiest self below that weight nor above it. Make sense?
It’s kinda like we’ve all gotta find our own “sweet spot”! And it’s not actually about the weight at all. It’s about the feeling and your behaviors.
When you find your set point weight you….
1️⃣ find that your weight stabilizes and you don’t need to try to micromanage it. It just maintains (within a range, obviously. fluctuations are normal!)
2️⃣ honor your hunger and fullness cues and fuel your body in a way that feels good
3️⃣ move your body in a non-excessive and sustainable way
My goal as an intuitive eating dietitian, and what I teach in @the_socieaty, is to help you find YOUR weight. And we do this by… not focusing on weight at all. ? THAT is when you find that feeling. That is how you find your healthiest self.❤️ Through body attunement, reflection and intuition. It takes time to learn this, yes. You likely won’t know how at first (I didn’t either!) but you can get there.
I’ll link my blog post on set point weights in my bio for you if you want to learn more. It’s probably the topic I get asked most about!!!

ALSO READ  portobella pizza


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