If you’re trying low FODMAP for IBS then guidance from a dietitian is a must bec…

If you’re trying low FODMAP for IBS then guidance from a dietitian is a must bec…

If you’re trying low FODMAP for IBS then guidance from a dietitian is a must because:
• Trigger foods are different for each person.
• Amount of trigger foods that cause a reaction is also different for each person.
• Foods are low FODMAP dependent on quantities of the food.
• If you simply cut out FODMAP containing foods then you put yourself at risk of nutritional deficiencies.
• Low FODMAP is not the only consideration with IBS- a dietitian will look at and assess the whole situation.
Have you tried #lowfodmap? How did it go? I’d love to hear ?? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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