Let’s talk low carb.
Do you need to cut carbs to lose weight?
Yes you …

Let’s talk low carb. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you need to cut carbs to lose weight? Yes you …

Let’s talk low carb.
Do you need to cut carbs to lose weight?
Yes you need to cut processed carbs to sometimes and in small amounts. Here I’m talking added sugars, cakes, biscuits, pastries, white bread. It is not necessary to cut nourishing carbs such as grains, whole grain bread, pasta and starchy veg but moderate portions are important.
There is evidence that a lower carb (not no carb) diet can help some people lose weight. If you think it might suit your lifestyle, taste preferences etc then see a dietitian to determine your level of carbs and work out a plan as to how you will achieve it and keep your nutrient intake sufficient. Getting enough fibre to keep you regular and for gut health is a key challenge if you do go on a lower carb diet.
It’s also important to know that if you do embark on a lower carb diet that much of the immediate weight loss will be water, not fat! Carbs hold water in our cells so when we cut them, we lose water.
There are times when I will absolutely chose a meal, like this, that is low carb. I do this to balance out a day where other meals have been heavier on the carbs than usual.
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