MILK ALTERNATIVES- what to look for ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There’s a huge array of alternativ…
MILK ALTERNATIVES- what to look for
There’s a huge array of alternative ‘milks’ available now. While they’re not technically milk, they are often called that because they look like and are used for similar purposes.
These products can make suitable alternatives but here’s a couple of things to consider
✔️Fortification with Calcium, vitamin D and B12 is sometimes but not always done. Check the label to pick the most nutrient rich option
✖️Some are sweetened with added sugar so check the ingredients list to avoid these brands
✖️Additives can be unnecessary .. vegetable oils added to soy milk for example!
➖Milk alternatives tend to contain less protein than their dairy equivalent. Soy contains approx 25% less and almond, oat, rice and macadamia ‘milks’ contain 90% less protein at approx 1g per glass
✔️✔️Soy is the winner for dairy free milk alternatives because of its nutrient profile
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