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I’ve been thinking a lot about this  this week and I think it’s SU…

Read this . I’ve been thinking a lot about this this week and I think it’s SU…

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I’ve been thinking a lot about this this week and I think it’s SUCH a helpful way to reframe the way we view and treat your bodies. Ask yourself “Is this [insert whatever you’re doing] treating my body like an object or a vehicle for life?”
Here is an example Are you enjoying a nutrient packed meal because it will make your body feel good (treating it as a vehicle for life- allowing living to feel better!) or are you eating it because your new diet plan tells you to and you think you “should” in order to shrink your waist (treating it as an object they you’re trying to force into looking a certain way).
Here is another example Are you eating the chocolate cake because you want to experience it and enjoy one of life’s pleasures (treating it as a vehicle for living) or are you eating the chocolate cake as a way to cope with your emotions or maybe even rage-eating to try to feel something other than the emotions you’re feeling (using it as an object to punish or crowd out the feelings of emotion you’re having)
Here is a THIRD example Is eating chocolate cake every day treating your body like the vehicle for life that it is? Will this help you live a long, happy and comfortable life? Mmm. Maybe not.
Treating your body like a vehicle for life is about finding “balance” between the physical and mental side of things. Enjoying the chocolate cake to enjoy the splendors of life but also doing it in a way that allows your body to feel good and get the nutrients it needs to thrive the best that it can to support those life experiences! This is exactly what @the_socieaty members learn to do through intuitive eating and you can too. Link in bio to join the community!
Post inspired by @beauty_redefined! These words feel the most authentic for me- adjust to whatever resonates with you!


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