Repeat after me: There are no “good” or “bad” foods.
One of the first things

Repeat after me: There are no “good” or “bad” foods. . One of the first things

Repeat after me: There are no “good” or “bad” foods.
One of the first things

Repeat after me: ?There are no “good” or “bad” foods.?‍♀️
One of the first things you need to do when learning to live a life of no food rules is get RID of the good and bad food mindset. ??All foods should be on the same playing field. ???⚽️Now, I’m not saying that all foods are the SAME. They’re totes not. ❌Some are more nourishing for the body nutrient wise, some are more nourishing for the soul. But, that doesn’t make one food “better” than the other.
When we give food moral value, it gives that food power over us. This hinders your ability to listen to your body and eat intuitively. ?No foods are “better” than another. And no food makes you a “better” person for eating it. ?Remember that.
Today I am gladly sinking my teeth into all things ?FESTIVE?and more soul nourishing than body nourishing. I’m doing this in a way that feels good to my body and without an ounce of guilt, stress or anxiety.
If you’re ready to stop seeing food as “good” or “bad” but need a little direction be sure sign up for the free 5 day diet detox challenge! I’m guiding you through eVeRyThInG you need to do to detox your life from diet culture in 2022 and become an intuitive eater! Link in bio to sign up- space is filling FAST!


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