RESISTANT STARCH FOR GUT HEALTH ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Resistant starch (RS) is starch that m…
➖Resistant starch (RS) is starch that moves through the small into the large intestine without being digested. While it is not technically a dietary fibre, it functions in a similar way
➖RS helps support a healthy gut by increasing good bacteria levels which produce compounds (short chain fatty acids) that reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption. Increase in these compounds has also been shown to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer
➖RS is found naturally in many plant foods. For many foods the amount depends on what processes the food has been through. For example, uncooked oats contain approx 10% RS but cooked oats contain <1%.
The below are approximate amounts as levels do differ depending on which study produced the results but there is consensus about which foods are best.Green bananas - 8g/100g
Jerusalem artichokes - 15g / 100g
Rice -3g/ 100g
Oats uncooked - 4g/ 100g
Legumes and lentils - 2-6g/ 100g
Potatoes - cooked then cooled - 2-4g
Pasta - 1g/100g ⠀
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