Restriction never works and here is why 
I recently saw someone on TikTok say…

Restriction never works and here is why . I recently saw someone on TikTok say…

Restriction never works and here is why ?
I recently saw someone on TikTok saying that restriction isn’t bad. ? That we restrict ourselves with TV in that we have to go to work so we have to stop watching. They were saying that it was the same with food. We HAVE to restrict ourselves.
I strongly disagree. ?‍♀️
I disagree even with the TV example. ? Most of the time you CAN keep watching TV. No one is forcing you to stop. Yes, there might be consequences for skipping work and having a Friends marathon instead, but you make a choice to turn off the TV or iPad or whatever and go to work so you don’t lose your job. You prefer job stability over living vicariously through Rachel Green.
Same thing with food. ???????
You have permission to keep eating cupcake after cupcake. But is that a choice you want to make? Maybe yes and maybe no. You get to make an empowered choice as to whether or not you keep munchin’ on the cakes. And when you make that choice you feel peace with it and can move on.
If you were to go the restrictive route and say you CAN’T have it? Well… what happens when you tell a kid not to press a big red button? They realllllly wanna press it. What happens if I say “Hey! Don’t think of a big ol’ pink elephant! Seriously do NOT think of a pink elephant!”… I bet you just had a nice little image of a Pepto Bismol colored, giant, big eared animal with a trunk swingin’ in your head, huh? Same thing happens with food.
Restriction will backfire. If you make an empowered, intuitive choice? That is where the magic is. When you take into consideration how something will impact you (both mentally & physically!) Sometimes you WILL want to eat the cupcake. So eat it! Sometimes you shockingly won’t ?‍♀️ So you decide not to.
There are no food rules. ? You could do anything the heck you want including eating an entire dozen of cupcakes. The question is do you want to do that? Will that feel good? This is the totally new way of thinking that I teach my clients in The SociEATy.
Save this post to remind yourself of what to ask yourself the next time you hear that little voice saying “No more! Enough!”

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