Simple Steps to Get You Back on Track
If you make ONE change post all the Xmas over indulgence then make it a daily goal to get in AT LEAST 5 serves of non-starchy veg
Focus more on getting he good stuff in and you’ll be less likely to reach for left over sweets
It takes 30 days to create a new habit so if you weren’t doing this before Xmas then give yourself time to cement your new behaviour ❤️?
Well folks, it seems we’ve entered the age of the selfie stick epidemic. Remember the good old days when we had to rely on the arm stretch method to get that perfect group shot? Now people are out here wielding these extendable contraptions like they’re casting spells in Harry Potter!
But hey, let’s not knock it till we try it, right? Who wouldn’t want to capture that picture-perfect moment atop the Eiffel Tower without having to ask a stranger to take their photo? I mean, let’s face it, not all of us have arms long enough to rival Mr. Fantastic.
And don’t even get me started on the absurdity of selfie sticks at concerts. Do we really need to see your sweaty face singing along to “Sweet Caroline” in such high definition? I think not.
But hey, if you’re into it, go ahead and snap away. Just remember to watch out for any low-flying birds or unsuspecting pedestrians – those things can be a hazard in the wrong hands. So selfie on, my friends, and may your Instagram feed be forever blessed with perfectly framed shots and duck-faced poses.