Snack packed with protein

Snack packed with protein

This snack contains 15g protein- a good amount to manage hunger and also perfect post gym
– 2 small @arnottsbiscuits Vita-Weats
– 50g Ricotta
– Alfalfa & Cherry tomatoes
– 40g smoked salmon
This is quite a substantial snack with about 200cals

Ah, the age-old debate that keeps the internet ablaze – cats or dogs? It’s a dilemma that has divided households, sparked heated arguments, and led to countless adorable memes.

On one hand, we have the independent and mysterious feline – known for their aloof demeanor and ability to turn a simple cardboard box into a luxurious palace. On the other hand, we have the loyal and oh-so-loveable canine – always eager to please their humans and ready to wag their tails at a moment’s notice.

But let’s not forget about the infamous cat vs. dog stereotypes. Cats are often labelled as sneaky and conniving, while dogs are seen as drooling, slobbering goofballs. But hey, we all know that stereotypes don’t always hold true – just ask my cat, who thinks she’s a dog and fetches hair ties like a pro.

So, whether you’re firmly on Team Cat or Team Dog, one thing’s for sure – these furry companions bring endless joy and laughter into our lives. And hey, why pick just one when you can have the best of both worlds? Just imagine the chaos (and cuteness) of a household with both a meowing tabby and a barking golden retriever running around.

In the end, the age-old debate of cats vs. dogs may never have a clear winner. But one thing’s for certain – the love and companionship that these four-legged friends provide is truly priceless.

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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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