Some days you’re just FREAKIN’ HUNGRY!
I recently had a bottomless pit day an…

Some days you’re just FREAKIN’ HUNGRY! . I recently had a bottomless pit day an…

Some days you’re just FREAKIN’ HUNGRY!
I recently had a bottomless pit day and here is how I handled it ?
1️⃣ I honored it and fed my body.
2️⃣ I reminded myself that even if I can’t “see” a reason for the increased hunger (like maybe moving more or eating less the day before) it’s still valid. Our bodies do amazing things that we can’t see- you might be fighting off an illness you can’t yet feel or your hormones are workin’ their magic (hello PMS!)
3️⃣ Didn’t see it as “Well sh*t! Might as well just keep eating as much as I can while I’m letting myself!” And oh MAN… I totally would have done this when I had food rules!
It’s normal for your hunger to fluctuate. Some days you might feel like a bottomless pit and that’s ok. It’s OK if that lasts for more then a day! The key is to stay present and attuned to your body ❤️
Needing a little help in being able to “listen to your body”? I’m doing a free training on how to master your hunger and fullness cues where I’ll give it to you straight, and tell you what to do step-by-step but I’ll also tell you what NOT to do (and I bet if you’ve tried to “listen to your body” you’ve done this!)


ALSO READ  Get to Know Your Oats

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