Stop and think about this . What comes to mind for you when I say “veggies”? ….
Stop and think about this ?
What comes to mind for you when I say “veggies”?
Is it ➡️ they’re “healthy”, they’re low-cal, they’ll help me lose weight, they’re what I “should” be eating, they’re bland, they’re boring, they’re…. Associated with all of the times I tried a diet and “failed.”
What if you could change that to ➡️they’re packed with nutrients that my body needs and loves, they make me feel good, they can be prepared to be tasty as sh*t, they’re not “better” than the cookies they’re just different.
That’d be pretty cool, huh? Well, it can happen. One thing that you can try ASAP to regain your love for veggies is to try either buying a new veggie you do NOT associate with a previous diet you’ve done (maybe an eggplant, kohlrabi, or swiss chard!) or preparing a veggie in a new way (roasting or air frying or grilling!) This can help you start to disassociate veggies from dieting.
Another thing you can do is to really tune into how your BODY feels when you eat them. Not you feeling like you’re “being good” because you stuck to a diet rule. Feeling good VS feeling like you’re BEING good are two different things!
Intuitive eating and gentle nutrition are the two puzzle pieces of a healthy, non-diet life. If you’re struggle with the 2nd ?of gentle nutrition I’ve got your back ❤️
Next Tuesday I’m hosting a free masterclass on how to implement gentle nutrition to feel better in your body (Hello more energy!) without it feeling even a teensy bit diet-y! Link in bio to save your space!