I’ve had LOADS of questions about sugar substitutes/ar…

SUB YOUR SUGAR? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve had LOADS of questions about sugar substitutes/ar…

I’ve had LOADS of questions about sugar substitutes/ar…

I’ve had LOADS of questions about sugar substitutes/artificial sweeteners etc. (@margaretschlenert @bunnia @mayah_haidar @djbabybokchoyy @emi1ybaxter @andrea_tabordas @chungalunga_ )
As pictured. Synthetic sweeteners are chemically produced and used in A LOT of ‘diet’ products – Diet Soft drinks and cordials, yoghurts, low carb bars, etc. There is ongoing controversy about these and whilst food authorities have deemed them to be in foods in safe amounts, you need to decide if you want to include these in your diet. I personally do not like to use these much and I dislike their synthetic taste (although I do have the occasional Coke Zero).
Sugar alcohols are a type of carb that is poorly absorbed by our gut- because some of these substances are still absorbed they do still contain some sugar/calories. The amounts are usually quite small but differ depending on which sugar alcohol is added. The downside with sugar alcohols is that they can bring on IBS symptoms in SOME people. They fall into one of the FODMAP groups that people may be sensitive to.
Stevia is the most common plant extract sweetener and is the newest kid on the block. This is my personal fave because it is a plant extract and I prefer the flavour over other sweeteners.
Overuse of sweeteners will also train your palate for very sweet things so having even these in moderation is important. ??


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