Sugar detoxes are a BAD idea. Here is why
They cause you to want more sugar …

Sugar detoxes are a BAD idea. Here is why . They cause you to want more sugar …

Sugar detoxes are a BAD idea. Here is why ?
They cause you to want more sugar by ⬆️the brain’s motivation and reward response for it. When you say you absolutely ❌can’t❌ have something or deem it “bad” and off limits that’s what happens. We instantly all turn into a 5 year old who was told not to press the big red button. We’re gonna wanna press the heck out of it!
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be mindful of sugar intake. ?‍♀️What I am saying is we should learn to develop a healthy relationship with it, begin to understand what foods make our bodies feel their best, and not stress the eff out over it (cause if ya didn’t know… that’s not so great for our health either!)
No one is “too far gone” with their sugar cravings to learn to become an intuitive eater and listen to their bodies.❤️ Intuitive eaters end up with an overall IMPROVED nutrient intake as they make peace with food.
Sure, you might want sugary foods more often in the beginning, this is normal, but as you make peace with them they become less ‘novel’ and you’re like “Hmmm ok so eating cookies all day doesn’t make me feel the best. Noted!” That is true intuitive eating, folks.
And for the record, while you might feel “addicted” to sugar it’s not the same addiction as drugs. That’s a myth. Yes it can release dopamine but so can petting my dog Theo ?, watching a funny tv show, etc. Enjoyable? ?Yes. Addictive? No.
I have a blog post on food obsession & addiction that I’ll link in my bio if you want to read more!

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