These are 6 things I hear REGULARLY. So here’s the facts.
Coconut oil …

These are 6 things I hear REGULARLY. So here’s the facts. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Coconut oil …

These are 6 things I hear REGULARLY. So here’s the facts.
Coconut oil is not healthy. It has been shown to raise total cholesterol and is about 80% saturated fat. It has been shown that the saturated fat is not as detrimental as the saturated fat from meat products but still stick to using it occasionally for its flavour profile not because of any health claims.
Unless you have diagnosed coeliac disease or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, gluten free diets are not healthier. In fact they can sometimes be devoid of fibre and some micronutrients if not planned right.
Carbs are not our problem when it comes to weight gain… eating more calories than we burn is! Moderate portions (as for any of the macros) and choosing low GI carbs where possible is beneficial for our weight and hunger levels.
Snacking is fine provided you choose nourishing snacks! Comment below and tell me if you want to be tagged in some ideas. ??
It has been claimed that eating smaller meals is better because it ‘boosts our metabolism’. While there is such thing as ‘diet induced thermogenesis’ which is energy burned to digest a meal- the impact of this on overall calories burned is insignificant and will not impact weight loss. Again overall calories in vs out is what is key so choose the eating pattern that best suits you.
Coffee is actually rich in antioxidants and has been shown to be protective against some chronic diseases. The amount of coffee people can tolerate does differ so if you’re finding that you’re jittery or anxious after drinking a certain amount then you may need to cut back. Two cafe style or 4 instant coffees is a good maximum for most of us.
Are there any other things nutrition that you’re wondering about? Ask me ????
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