Which is better?! Let’s see
The “regular” option  it’s likely got that child…

Which is better?! Let’s see . The “regular” option it’s likely got that child…

Which is better?! Let’s see ?
The “regular” option ➡️ it’s likely got that childhood nostalgia.? At least it does for me! And it may have some added sugar so it might help satisfy a sweet tooth. Great for baking too! There is usually some added oil to help the product not separate. This type of oil that’s added is usually a “saturated fat” and not unsaturated (which peanuts themselves mostly are composed of!) Saturated fats aren’t usually the most health-promoting fats but that’s ok. This stuff is usually more budget friendly.
The “natural” option ➡️ this is the stuff that’s got ‘peanuts’ listed for it’s ingredient label. Nothin’ else. ?‍♀️Since it doesn’t have added oil it usually is separated, ya know that oily layer at the top?! The lack of the added oil means there is more of the health promoting fats from the peanuts being the star of the show. But this stuff is usually more expensive and might not “hit the spot” if you’re looking for something a little more dessert-y tasting.
Peanut butter, either way, is a great source option. ?On the daily I use the natural stuff because I DO eat it often, have access to it, and it fits within my budget. But I also have a jar of the “regular” stuff too cause sometimes I want more sweetness, ya know!?!
They’re both great “healthy” options! If only the Skippy or JIF fits in your budget and not a fancy whole foods freshly blended nut butter (I actually buy Costco natural PB) that’s ok! The key to finding “balance” between them is to understand the true differences, what’s best for your life and how they may affect your body and connecting it to how your body feels. NOT because some influencer told you that eating JIF extra crunchy is gonna make you diet. I have NO tolerance for fear mongering!
Want more non-diet nutrition goodness? You’ve got one week to sign up for my non-diet-y gentle nutrition masterclass where I’m giving you my 5 step approach for how to start using gentle nutrition as an intuitive eater to feel better in your body while maintaining your hard earned food freedom! I’m teaching you how to take info like this ☝️ and understand if it’s an area you should or should NOT implement!

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