Which would you pick?! Comment below! . Don’t get me wrong, I think a date with…
Which would you pick?! ??Comment below!?
Don’t get me wrong, I think a date with some PB, nuts and chocolate chips would make a FAB sweet snack! ?But if I’m wanting a snickers… Imma eat a snickers!
Neither of these options are “better” or “worse”. Without food rules you see them for what they are: a date with toppings and a candy bar. ?♀️One day you might think “hmmm, a little extra fiber (from the date!) paired with some fat in my sweet snack might help me stay full and satisfied longer & keep my blood sugar stable so I have long-lasting energy” and other days you might think “Omg I am craaaaaving that gooey caramel center with crunchy nuts!” in that case?➡️ Have the snickers.
If you try to opt for a “healthier” version when you’re craving the real deal then you’re likely going to eat more of that thing trying to hit a spot that it just won’t hit.
?Without food rules you have permission to have BOTH. ?They’re fab!
The key is to learn to make peace with both of them and remove the “healthier” and “unhealthy” labels. See them simply as options.
Ready to make peace with food? Link in bio to take the quiz to find out what food rule is ruling your life. If you think you don’t have any I’m calling your bluff! The quiz will tell you ❤️
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