Which would you pick?! Right or left?!
Both of these are fabulous options and…

Which would you pick?! Right or left?! . Both of these are fabulous options and…

Which would you pick?! Right or left?!
Both of these are fabulous options ❤️and ones I’ve eaten recently.?‍♀️
The veggie straws alone are the perfect thing when I’m needing just something light or have a ?crunchy craving.? I know they don’t have a ton of “staying power” since they’re literally super light and don’t really pack fiber or protein/fat to help satisfy me for longer.?‍♀️ But sometimes that light snack is the perfect thing!
Other times when I’m feeling a bit more substantial hunger or if I know I won’t have an opportunity to eat again for a while I’ll use some gentle nutrition and pair the airy carb with something more sustaining? like some jerky to make a little mix. The protein will help keep me full longer.
If you’re needing a bit more of a sustaining snack my intuitive eating gentle nutrition recommendation is to aim for 2 out of 3 macronutrients (carbs/fat/protein). ⚡️Bonus points⚡️ if you can get some fiber in there!
Intuitive eaters DO think about nutrition but guess what? There might be some days where I’m like “yeah… I just want a couple cookies.”? and that’s FINE! Would I want to do that daily? No, probs not.?‍♀️ It wouldn’t feel great! That’s what intuitive eating is all about- that attunement with your body and doing what feels best for the most part!
Any snacks you love that hit the 2 macronutrient mark? Comment below!


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