Which would you pick today?! Comment below!
The cauli wings are a fun way to …

Which would you pick today?! Comment below! . The cauli wings are a fun way to …

Which would you pick today?! Comment below!
The cauli wings are a fun way to eat a veggie.❌ I get that cauliflower is 180% overrated though so seeing this might be like “UGH! ?Not another freakin’ cauli imposter!” I feel you. Cauli is fine but when you try to make it into something else that it’s not is where we all get our panties in a bunch. They also won’t be as satisfying or filling as a chicken wing. So especially if you’re trying to “swap” these in you’re going to be getting like no protein likely causing you to not feel satisfied for very long.
The real wings? ➡️They’ve got that protein component that our bodies love & that keeps us feeling full longer. They might have a rich sauce & batter on them, yes, so eating a giant amount of them or having them daily might not feel the best to our bodies. But can you enjoy the heck out of them? Also yes!
So for me? I’d probs pick both.
One isn’t “better” or “worse” but they’re not the same. ?‍♀️ As an intuitive eater you have permission to pick either. Your choice can change day to day. Removing the guilt from the more “indulgent” with greasy wings when you want them is actually going to… shocker!… lead you to a more nutrient dense diet because you’ve met your craving and understand how eating various foods make your body feel (it’ll probably feel better to eat a “balanced meal” on the daily most of the time, right?)
Permission is a crazy thing, folks! ?Think you can’t give yourself permission cause you’ll be “out of control”? That thinking is causing the “out of control”-ness.
Any time you feel guilt, say an affirmation or mantra to yourself like ? “Some foods nourish my soul more and some my body… I need and deserve both!” (?‍♀️that’s my fave one!) or “Guilt isn’t an ingredient!”
Link in bio to snag a copy of my free e-book that will help you learn to actually “listen to your body” so that you can understand how each of these makes your body feel so that you can make the best decision for you in that moment. Listening to your body isn’t always “what am I craving!” like Instagram makes you think, checkout the e-book for how to ACTUALLY do it!

ALSO READ  Healthy vegan snack ideas for @isabelabianor....


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