WHY TO CHECK THE LABELThere are many foods in the health food aisle that marke…

WHY TO CHECK THE LABELThere are many foods in the health food aisle that marke…


There are many foods in the health food aisle that market aspects that IMPLY they are are healthy when they are actually far from it.

This is a good example. The product on the left contains oats and nuts (healthy) and markets the fibre content, absence of artificial ingredients and use of ‘natural’ and organic ingredients

However, when you look at the nutrition information panel you will see it contains about the same calories as 2 Mars bars, has loads of saturated fat and over 4 teaspoons of added sugar (even ‘natural’ honey is a sugar)

#eatforhealth #healthytips #nutritioncoach #allfoodsfit #fuelyourbody #nutritionfacts #weightlossjourney #dietitian #eatsmart #weightlossideas #nutritional #smartfood #healthytips #justeatrealfood #eatbetter #notadiet #healthychanges #weightlosstips


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