Why you’re SO hungry when you stop restricting
Think of restricting food rul…

Why you’re SO hungry when you stop restricting . Think of restricting food rul…

Why you’re SO hungry when you stop restricting ?
Think of restricting food rules and dieting as sucking air through a straw ?? You get juuuuuust enough to, ya know, stay alive! ✅ But not enough to thrive.❌ So when you finally put that straw down and let yourself breathe, your body gasps for air! Then once it has the air it needs, your breathing levels back out.
➡️ The same thing happens to your appetite after dieting. At first, you might feel ravenous and eat more. (Your body is “gasping” for calories!) But as soon as it has what it needs, your hunger levels back out.
Make sense?! Love me a good analogy ?
So, yes, this heightened hunger will taper off once your body realizes food isn’t restricted and it’s gotten what it needs (kinda like making up for lost time) The time that this takes is different for everyone and not something a magic 8 ball (or me!) can tell you. That’s something your body will guide you in… if you pay attention to it!
Link in bio to checkout The SociEATy (the best non-diet community out there) to learn more about how to give up your food rules and learn to listen to your body & eat intuitively!


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