Yay or nay  Butter in your coffee.
I’m sayin’ nay. I mean, if you enjoy drink…

Yay or nay Butter in your coffee. . I’m sayin’ nay. I mean, if you enjoy drink…

Yay or nay ➡️ Butter in your coffee.
I’m sayin’ nay. ?‍♀️I mean, if you enjoy drinking melted butter I’m not going to judge your taste preferences. ?‍♀️But, in terms of the health of it? Nay.
1️⃣ A lot of the reason people say it keeps them “full” is likely because you’re drinking a very calorie rich beverage. Calories = energy = our bodies will ask for less energy because they have what they need = less hunger. Yes, fat IS filling, but so is consuming calories.
2️⃣Fat is fabulous, I agree! No argument there and melty butter goodness? I’m a fan. But from a health aspect you’ll be much more “efficient” nutrient wise by adding some butter as you saute veggies for a delicious nutrient packed omelette.
It’s mind boggling to me how we glamorize drinking melted butter + caffeine but demonize putting some butter on veggies.?‍♀️ How we will take nutrition tips from unaccredited individuals solely because they’ve lost weight. Weight loss doesn’t equal health. And because someone lost weight, like the dude who invented this butter coffee “elixir”, doesn’t mean you will, should or can.
Saturated fats, like butter, can be part of a healthy eating pattern but anything in excess isn’t the best idea. And usually plottin’ tablespoons on tablespoons of butter into your coffee would be considered a weeee bit excessive.
Being “Switzerland” and advocating for avoidance of extreme’s isn’t “sexy”. I get it. But it truly is the best option. This is why intuitive eaters, those “Switzerland eaters” if you will, consume a more diverse diet (i.e. nutrients) and other benefits such as lower fat levels in the blood and reduction of heart disease risk.
Learning to listen to your body (which includes both cravings, desires, aaaaand your little noggin’ inside that cute head of yours!) is in your best interest. How do you get to a place where you find “balance” between the two and achieve that more diverse, nutrient dense diet of a true intuitive eater? Non-diet-y gentle nutrition.
Link in bio to save your space for my free masterclass on how to implement gentle nutrition to feel better in your body (Hello more energy!) without it feeling even a teensy bit diet-y!


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