Honey Dijon Roasted Green Beans
SideDish | Food Prep | Veggies .
{Trust me….t…

Honey Dijon Roasted Green Beans SideDish | Food Prep | Veggies . {Trust me….t…

Honey Dijon Roasted Green Beans
SideDish | Food Prep | Veggies .
{Trust me….they are SO FREAKING GOOD!
I was popping them in my mouth like French fries, hot out of the oven!}
Recipe makes 8 servings

Per serving:
Cals: 95
Fat: 7g
Carbs: 8g
Protein: 2g


2 lbs green beans, (I love tender French beans) rinsed, ends trimed if you like, let air dry
1/4 cup oil of choice (high quality olive, avocado, or melted unrefined coconut oil)
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp prepared dijon mustard
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 425 degrees f.

Whisk oil, honey, and dijon in a small bowl until very thoroughly combined.
In large glass bowl coat green beans with dijon mixture. Toss to coat beans VERY well.
Spread green beans evenly on 2 separate large sheet pans.
Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper if desired.
Roast in preheated 425 f. oven for about 7 minutes, then carefully toss/turn beans, and roast for an additional 6-8 minutes until crispy and nicely glazed with the honey dijon.
Serve immediately.
?Pin it! http://cleanfoodcrush.com/honey-dijon-green-beans/


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