1. BREAKFAST: 1 rye toast, 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 cup blueberries . 2. …
1. BREAKFAST: 1 rye toast, 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 cup blueberries
2. SNACK: 1 cup low fat greek yogurt (or unsweetned plant based yogurt), 1 cup strawberries
3. LUNCH: 1 ?, rye toast, green salad with 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tomato, and 1/2 ?
4. DINNER: chicken breast, green salad of choice with 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tomato , 1 cup rice
☆ This is an example, isn’t suitable or enough for everyone, feel free to add one more meal or a snack!
BY @nutriclinicro
#healthyfoodideas #egg #eatsmart #calories #nutritional #weightlossideas#meal #breakfast #healthy #eat #food #recipes #salad #vegan #broccoli #dinner #fruits #lunch #avocado #spinach #blueberries #berries #chicken