—7 Tips for Cooking Dry Beans— ~ 1. Cook only one kind of beans at a time if…

—7 Tips for Cooking Dry Beans—
1. Cook only one kind of beans at a time if possible. Different types and ages of beans have different cooking times, so avoid cooking different types of beans together at the same time.
2. Maintain the cooking water at a gentle simmer (not rapid boil) during cooking to prevent split skins.
3. Do not add baking soda to beans at any time because while it makes the beans tender, it destroys the Vitamin B2 and may also negatively impact the flavour of the beans.
3. Keep beans covered with water during the cooking process. Add cold water periodically to ensure beans are covered.
4. Stir beans occasionally to prevent sticking during cooking.
5. Drain beans immediately after they’ve reached the desired texture to prevent overcooking.
6. Hard water (naturally high in minerals) may affect cooking time/ softening of beans. Distilled or softened water may result in better cooked beans
7. Pre-soak your beans by placing your beans in a large pot and add 5 parts of water to every part of beans. Heat to boiling and boil for an additional 2-3 minutes. Remove the beans from the heat, cover and let it stand for 4-24 hours. Drain beans and discard soak water. Rinse the beans with fresh cool water then start cooking.
In my bowl today ? kidney and black bean chilli with cherry ?, courgettes, shiitake mushrooms and brown rice.
?WHOLESOME: Get my recipe book with 25+ whole foods, starch based vegan recipes! ? in my bio
What are your favourite bean combinations in chillis?

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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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