Cinnamon Toast: A Childhood Favorite Packed with Butter and Flavor

Cinnamon Toast: A Childhood Favorite Packed with Butter and Flavor

Cinnamon toast has always held a special place in my heart, evoking memories of a carefree childhood filled with buttery goodness and sweet cinnamon sugar. Just the thought of it made my mouth water even as I pushed through my morning workout. Lately, I’ve been on a journey to re-connect with my body and its cravings, sharpening my intuitive eating skills to truly understand what it needs. And what better way to explore this than by revisiting some of my favorite childhood treats?

Today, I decided to pay homage to my beloved cinnamon toast by putting a grown-up twist on it. Using @julianbakery honey paleo bread as a base, I slathered on generous amounts of ghee and sprinkled it with fragrant cinnamon, finishing it off with a drizzle of @nunaturals simple syrup. The result was nothing short of perfection – a nostalgic treat with a healthier, more mindful touch.

To complete my meal, I paired the toast with a couple of @egglandsbest organic eggs and @bilinskisausage chicken sausage, all cooked to perfection in more ghee. To add a burst of freshness, I included some ripe berries and sweet cotton candy grapes on the side. The combination of flavors and textures was truly satisfying, a comforting reminder of the simple joys found in food.

As I savored each bite, I couldn’t help but wonder – what are some of your cherished childhood favorites? I encourage you to delve into your memories and unearth a dish that holds a special place in your heart. Perhaps it’s something you haven’t indulged in for a while, or maybe you’ve deemed it “off-limits” for far too long. Take the challenge to recreate it, infusing it with love and mindfulness. You might be surprised to find that your taste buds have evolved, uncovering new dimensions to an old classic.

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So here’s to a delicious journey down memory lane, and to discovering the joy that can be found in honoring our cravings. Happy Monday, dear ones! May your day be filled with warmth, love, and the simple pleasure of a cherished childhood treat.


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