comments: What food do you typically crave during your period?

comments: What food do you typically crave during your period?

comments: What food do you typically crave during your period?

What’s your typical period craving?! ???
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?Let me know in the comments!???⠀
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Right now I want ALL of the chocolate things! And? I’m letting myself! ?Here’s why:⠀
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When it’s that time of the month and you want to swim ?‍♀️in a pool of melted chocolate but deprive yourself here’s what’s going to happen?⠀
. ?You’ll think about chocolate a LOT and be, well, super distracted from things that actually matter (work, family, friends, etc)⠀
?You’ll probably be a little (or a lot) of a Cranky Pants McGee⠀
?When you DO allow yourself some, you’re likely rival Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka?⠀
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Instead? Lean into your period cravings and enjoy your chocolate (or chips, or fries, or whatever- no judgement!) guilt free. I like to have some creamy milk chocolate? (personal fave!) as lunch dessert, add cocoa powder to my smoothies, top oatmeal with chocolate chips, or just grab a mid-afternoon brownie! ?Whatever you do, don’t feel guilt. You’re not being “bad”. You’re being human. A human who is bleeding and feels like there is someone walking behind her punching her lower back 24/7…. That just me? Kay, cool…..⠀

What’s your go-to period craving? ???

Hey there, period pals! Let’s talk about those intense cravings that hit us like a wave during that time of the month. Personally, I am all about the chocolate right now! And you know what? I am totally giving in to it! Here’s why:

When you deny yourself that delicious treat you’re yearning for, you’re basically setting yourself up for a not-so-great time. Trust me, I’ve been there! You’ll end up obsessing over chocolate, getting easily annoyed at just about everything, and when you finally cave in, you’ll devour it all like Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka.

Instead of fighting your cravings, embrace them! Indulge in that chocolate, those chips, or whatever it is your heart desires without an ounce of guilt. Personally, I love treating myself to some creamy milk chocolate, adding cocoa powder to my smoothies, sprinkling chocolate chips on my oatmeal, or diving into a decadent brownie in the afternoon. And hey, no judgment here!

So go ahead, listen to your body, give in to those cravings, and enjoy every bite guilt-free. You’re not being “bad”, you’re just being human (and a human who feels like they have a personal lower back puncher following them around 24/7). And hey, if that’s not relatable, I don’t know what is! ?

So, what’s your typical period craving? Let me know in the comments below! ????


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