Continued from this morning… • Choose high-quality fats like olives, , seeds, …

Continued from this morning…
Choose high-quality fats like olives, , seeds, …

✨Continued from this morning…?

Choose high-quality fats like olives, ?, seeds, ? and raw nuts.
Choose organic foods where possible and if your budget stretches that far. If you can’t buy organic, don’t sweat it. But bear in mind that toxic chemicals are usually stored in fat.
Avoid trans fatty acids, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. They’re usually contained in processed foods. You can tell if the product you’re buying contains any of them as they’ll be listed in the ingredient list.
Avoid deep fried foods unless you prepare them yourself using fresh oil. Oil that has been fried multiple times oxidises and forms harmful compounds.
Try to eat your nuts raw more often than roasted. The roasting process causes the fats and oils to go rancid and may promote free radical damage in your body.

These are only tips. You don’t have to take them as gospel if you don’t agree with them. Choose what you feel will benefit you or adapt them as you wish ?

In my bowl: oil-free oven cooked ? chips with Chickpea and courgette curry.

I know it’s only been a few days but I’m noticing that you prefer posts in the afternoon over those in the evening. Let me know if I’m wrong ??

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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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