Don’t be scared of eating , you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot m…

Don’t be scared of eating , you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot m…

Don’t be scared of eating ?, you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot more folate and potassium per ounce than any other fruit (60% more than bananas), and they are good sources of vitamins C and E (think great skin). They are rich in fibre ?- you can get up to 14g of fibre per 200g.

? are rich in carotenoids (boosts immunity and maintains eye health), plant sterols (inhibit cholesterol absorption from the small intestine and reduce cholesterol levels), and they are one of the richest sources of the antioxidant, glutathione.

Enjoy that ? but remember, the ‘every good thing in moderation’ rule still applies.

Are you an ? lover or hater? I’m somewhere in the middle, I’ll say I’m a liker ?

#buddhabowl #wholewheatpasta #broccolini PS I had a lot of tomato sauce with this bowl, I just didn’t know where to put it ?


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