Foods with more vitamin C than an orange!  .
Vitamin C is necessary for the grow…

Foods with more vitamin C than an orange! . Vitamin C is necessary for the grow…

Foods with more vitamin C than an orange! ? .
Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development and repair of body tissues. A recent meta-analysis also showed vitamin C was beneficial to people whose immune system was weakened due to stress.
While vitamin C may not be the cure for the common cold, there is good evidence to support that it helps reduce risk of developing complications when you get sick. Vitamin C itself is also a strong antioxidant that can help boost your blood antioxidant levels which in turn can help reduce risk of chronic disease.
If that’s not motivation enough to get in more Vitamin C, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in their blood were associated with 42% lower stroke risk.
So don’t neglect this helpful vitamin and remember supplementation is always a great option too.
For more background info, one small orange has 51.1mg vitamin C and a medium orange has 69.7mg vitamin C. The minimum requirement for adults is about 75-90mg a day (but studies show up to 500mg a day to be beneficial).
Credit @meowmeix ✨
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