Hands up if you love Starbucks!⠀
Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when …

Hands up if you love Starbucks!⠀ .⠀ Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when …

Hands up if you love Starbucks!??⠀
Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when trying to lose weight, do yourself a favor and look at the damn nutrition facts?⠀
Truth is, foods like frappuccinos, lattes, smoothies and even juices CAN fit your weight loss goals when you understand how many calories they provide!? Instead of making “liquid calories” off limits for my clients, I chatted with my group of clients?‍♀️ about calorie awareness when choosing what beverages to drink?? This is because many drinks including the matcha green tea frappuccino pictured on the left of this picture from Starbucks can pack a lot of calories and sugar into a small portion size? If not cautious about how often you have these drinks, it’s these choices that can hold you back from toning up and losing weight?⠀
??On the left is a grande matcha green tea frappuccino (410 calories)⠀
??On the right is a grande iced matcha green tea latte (200 calories)⠀
Moral of the story: When choosing beverages when trying to lose weight, look at nutrition facts and begin to make simple swaps like the one pictured here!?? The more you can make small, calorie swaps to cut out a few hundred calories each day… the easier losing weight and gaining confidence will be!?⠀
Credit @sorority.nutritionist ✨⠀


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