Happy Tuesday Lovelies I made this yummy mismatched meal of potato gnocchi in su…

Happy Tuesday Lovelies I made this yummy mismatched meal of potato gnocchi in su…

Happy Tuesday Lovelies ✨I made this yummy mismatched meal of potato gnocchi in sun-dried ?and garlic sauce, soy and ginger tofu with greens and cabbage salad. I didn’t make the gnocchi myself, it was store-bought. I will share the recipe for this meal on my blog soon?
I always get messages from teenagers asking how to deal with parents that disapprove of their plant-based lifestyle ? This is a very tricky question because the last thing I want to do is encourage a child to disobey or ignore their parents’ wishes. As a parent myself, I will be ?if I find out that at a stranger has been advising my child against my will.
In saying that, I’m sure that most parents want their child or children to be healthy and happy. If you’re in this situation, here’s my advice:
?Instead of trying to force your parents to support your decision to eat 100% plant-based overnight, ask them politely to consider cooking more plant-based meals. If that works, ask them if you can have more meatless meals or meatless days.

?Without being pushy, defensive or overbearing, make conversations about the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based lifestyle either during meals or when you’re all relaxing together. Don’t overdo it or else it can become irritating and annoying ?.

?Offer to make dinner for your family one or more times a week and use the opportunity to cook delicious meals for them (now is a good time to start researching recipes and get your ??‍? on if you haven’t already) ?.
Even if you can’t eat a 100% plant-based right now, keep doing the best you can until you get to a point where you can. I believe you’ll have a better chance of winning them over with love? than by arguing or by forcing them to see your point of view.
Bear in mind that they are teaching you what they know and that they always have your best interest at heart. It is up to you to show your parents that you have their best interest at heart too and that you are not trying to hurt them. Love always wins, right? ?I hope this helps.
Much Love, Somi ?


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