It’s a bowl of potato gnocchi in tomato sauce. I did not make the gnocchi myself…

It’s a bowl of potato gnocchi in tomato sauce. I did not make the gnocchi myself…

It’s a bowl of potato gnocchi in tomato sauce. I did not make the gnocchi myself, I bought this one and since I normally make a large batch of tomato sauce at the weekend, lunch was super quick ? I find that if you lightly toast or pan fry your gnocchi after cooking it in water, it tastes so much nicer and it has a lovely texture. I’m relatively new to gnocchi so pardon me if you already know this.

As my schedule is getting really jam-packed these days, I’m finding a little difficult to cook everything from scratch on a daily basis – meal prepping is now seriously on my mind. Would you guys like to see some of the ideas I come up with?

#potatognocchi #veganlunch #vegandinner


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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