It’s Monday! Let’s go bowling!  Bowlin’ here with some goods. My whole schedule …

It’s Monday! Let’s go bowling! Bowlin’ here with some goods. My whole schedule …

It’s Monday! Let’s go bowling! ? Bowlin’ here with some goods. My whole schedule has been off with last minute changes coming from all directions, but it’s ok…just rolling with it. I’m off to the chiropractor soon, but not before some lunch! You know I don’t miss a meal ? shredded kale and red cabbage, hassleback beet, roasted mini peppers, chipotle roasted chicken, fresh tomato, avocado stuffed with @pickledplanet kraut and red onion…topped with some fresh dill and some lemon tahini dressing left from yesterday’s lunch post (@soomfoods tahini, @foragerproject yogurt). Pretty freakin satisfying ? I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!
–>for the Beet, I peeled a Beet, cut it hassleback style, sprayed with @chosenfoods avocado oil, salt, pepper and roasted on 450 for about 20-25 mins!

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