IT’S OK TO EAT ⠀ By @charlotttequeen⠀ ⠀ Following on from my post yesterday, I t…
By @charlotttequeen⠀
Following on from my post yesterday, I thought I would touch a little on diet culture and the many ‘food rules’ we’ve all been taught.⠀
Remember that it’s ok to:⠀
✔️ enjoy carbs (veggies are carbs)⠀
✔️ eat a damn cookie⠀
✔️ eat after 6pm⠀
✔️ eat something processed (quorn nuggets I love u)⠀
✔️ have breakfast⠀
? detox tea is a no!!!⠀
Yes, of course we all know that fruits and vegetables are the *best thing for your health*. But we also know that food is one of the greatest pleasures and life, and sometimes you just can’t beat a warm chocolate cookie with a serve of vanilla ice cream!⠀
I aim to eat 80% whole foods and 20% soul food. My diet is predominantly plants, while leaving room for whatever I want. Sometimes it looks more like 50/50, and other times 40/60. And that’s ok. It’s important we give ourselves the grace and space to ENJOY life and ENJOY fuelling our bodies.