It’s World Milk Day today…Unsweetened almond milk is my favourite for the reco…
It’s World Milk Day today…Unsweetened almond milk is my favourite for the record ? But, that’s not the whole point of this post.
I don’t like getting caught up in controversy, but I have questions… Why is it okay to drink cows milk, but not okay to drink milk from another human? In fact why do humans cringe at the thought of drinking milk from another human?
Why is it okay to drink goats milk, but not okay for a human to feed a goat her milk?
Why do people get so defensive when you tell them a particular kind of milk is meant for a specific animal and not for humans?
Why do people think that vegans are troublemakers and extremists because they suggest that humans shouldn’t drink milk from animals?
Could a solution to this milk issue be for mothers to keep breastfeeding their children or expressing their milk for the rest of their lives so that humans can continue to drink human milk? Can I just say now that you can definitely count me out of that one because nursing two kids for one year each was HARD! I couldn’t wait to be done… Knowing what I know, how could I possibly justify making another animal produce milk for the rest of its life just to satisfy my needs?
If you have the answers please provide them… #veganybysomi