Transitioning to a plant-based diet starts with an awareness of where you are no…

Transitioning to a plant-based diet starts with an awareness of where you are no…

Transitioning to a plant-based diet starts with an awareness of where you are now. It is not necessary to jump into making complicated recipes. Keep it simple and enjoy the plant foods you’ve always loved, which can be more satisfying and time-saving than trying to learn something new and strange.

Go through the meals you usually eat, and pick out those that are free of animal products. Next look at meals which are not exactly plant-based and think of ways to tweak them so that they fit in with your plant-based meals. Next, identify specific small changes you need to make so that you know which ingredients you need to have ready. So for example instead of having a meat sauce with pasta, you can have a tofu sauce or a chickpea in tomato sauce. Finally practice making more plant-based meals. As you get more confident you can add pizzazz your recipes ?

My dinner tonight is an honest bowl of pasta with tomato ??sauce. I’m currently writing up this recipe so it will be on my blog this week ? #veganbysomi


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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