Which side would you choose? Let me know in the comments!⠀
Credit @no.food.rules…

Which side would you choose? Let me know in the comments!⠀ Credit @no.food.rules…

Which side would you choose? Let me know in the comments!⠀
Credit @no.food.rules…

Which side would you choose? ??Let me know in the comments!???⠀
Credit @no.food.rules ✨⠀
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It takes a lot of work to get rid of the urge to eat it ALL. I had to improve my mindset? around what I saw as “good” and “bad” food (which makes you want the “bad” more!) get rid of my food rule that I shouldn’t be eating ice cream (or would have to workout extra to burn it off!) and really improve my body image so that I wouldn’t be paralized by fear of gaining weight from having some frozen deliciousness.⠀
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One food rule breaker shared how she wanted something sweet after dinner, looked in her freezer, saw ice cream, but knew that wasn’t what her body wanted. ?What did it want? Grapes. ?So, she had some. This was something SO foreign to her, before the program she would have never had ice cream casually laying around in the freezer. This experience left her feeling so happy that she was finally become intune with her body and confident in her food choices!?⠀
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THAT, my loves, is what having no food rules is all about. ??Having the ice cream guilt-free when your body wants it, and being able to listen to when your body needs and wants something else, like grapes, for a sweet treat. ❤️⠀
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