SE AMA… Se ama por dentro e por fora. Ame seus cabelos, seu sorriso, seu corpo…

SE AMA… Se ama por dentro e por fora. Ame seus cabelos, seu sorriso, seu corpo…

SE AMA… Se ama por dentro e por fora. Ame seus cabelos, seu sorriso, seu corpo, suas imperfeições e seu coração. Confia em voce!!! Exagera nesse amor próprio, porque excesso é melhor do que a falta! -palavras de @graoficial ??? #seamar #behappy #bestrong #mybody #myroles #healthylifestyle #healthylife #body #sixpack #muscle #strongman #workout #goodvibes #coffee #myworld…

I’ve just been craving carbs all day so I’m feeding the body what it wants  This…

I’ve just been craving carbs all day so I’m feeding the body what it wants This…

I’ve just been craving carbs all day so I’m feeding the body what it wants ❤️ This pesto pasta salad lunch was PERFECT ? and threw it together in no time! @eatbanza pasta, sautéed kale/peppers/summer squash, seared turkey cutlet, sun-dried tomatoes and my Basil-Pumpkin Seed-Yogurt pesto (see my post yesterday or the blog for recipe!)….

Credit @diet.culture.rebel
It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your hig…

Credit @diet.culture.rebel It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your hig…

Credit @diet.culture.rebel It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your high school or college body! ? It never fails that this exact conversation comes up in my group coaching sessions. Whether my clients are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s, this is something that crosses their minds. Not too long ago…

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not t…

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not t…

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly” Today’s bowl was quinoa, cherry ?, black beans, broccoli, ?, baby ? salad, and ? I totally lived…

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel” – With each p…

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel” – With each p…

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel” – With each passing day, that quote resonates with me more ?Anyway, today’s lunch bowl is made mostly of leftovers plus ?. I’ve had a great start to my week, and I hope you have too???#veganbysomi Source

By eating an array of colourful foods, you can provide your body with the essent…

By eating an array of colourful foods, you can provide your body with the essent…

By eating an array of colourful foods, you can provide your body with the essential nutrition it needs. ?Red for phytochemicals such as lycopene that protect against cancers and improve the quality of your skin. ?? Orange + yellow for carotenoids that promote good vision and healthy joints. ?? Green for antioxidants that aid tissue…

When you’re hungry, don’t grab a snickers! Fuel your body with filling, satisfyi…

When you’re hungry, don’t grab a snickers! Fuel your body with filling, satisfyi…

When you’re hungry, don’t grab a snickers! Fuel your body with filling, satisfying food, that includes some chocolate too!! . . Pictured left, Snickers = 440 calories, Pictured right: Salad with 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1/4 avocado , balsamic vinegar and 3/4oz. @eatenlightened Broad beans, and a @beachbarsnack! With lots of veggies of course!….

For a little while now, I have noticed that my body has trouble digesting chickp…

For a little while now, I have noticed that my body has trouble digesting chickp…

For a little while now, I have noticed that my body has trouble digesting chickpeas. I eat them and within two hours, my stomach triples or quadruples in size ?I kid you not. ~ Initially, I thought it was because I swapped to cooking my own from scratch. Maybe I wasn’t soaking it for long…