Taco Salad for a crowd…
Who wants some!!?
Pin it!The chips are Jackson Hon…

Taco Salad for a crowd… Who wants some!!? Pin it!The chips are Jackson Hon…

Taco Salad for a crowd… Who wants some!!? ? ?Pin it! http://cleanfoodcrush.com/big-taco-salad/ The chips are Jackson Honest brand, made with coconut oil. The cheese is high quality, and meant to be used sparingly as a condiment. The taco meat is grass fed beef. Taco Salad for a Crowd??? Fresh Romaine Lettuce, torn into bite sized…

Taco Salad for a crowd

Taco Salad for a crowd

Taco Salad for a Crowd Fresh Romaine Lettuce, torn into bite sized piecesAvocado, cubedGrape tomatoes, halvedGrass fed beef, or ground turkey…browned with 1 diced yellow onion, and minced garlic (optional…but recommend ?)All natural shredded cheese, about 1 Tbsp per person. Cheese is a condiment, and not added for nutritional value.Sliced green onionsOptional Serving Ideas:Black beansPlain…