Basil: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for h…

Basil: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for h…

Basil?: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for headaches and insomnia. Basil also contains anti-inflammatory oils that protect the joints and enhance digestive health. ✨ There are two things I feel silly buying; 1. Hummus 2. Pesto. They are both so simple to make and can be cheaper than…

You know your digestive health is good shape when you can eat a bowl like this a…

You know your digestive health is good shape when you can eat a bowl like this a…

You know your digestive health is good shape when you can eat a bowl like this and not have to worry about pain or bloating. I know I keep going on about gut health ?, but until you’ve suffered, you won’t understand how much you take a well-functioning gut for granted. That said, bowls like…